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The Toy Process

Ethical Toy Shop |  Santa Grotto Toys & Gifts |  The Toy Process

How Your Santa Grotto Toys get to You
Your Santa Grotto toys are delivered to you ready to pull straight from Santa's sack. They're gift wrapped and where necessary, colour coded for Santa's ease and they make your Christmas business easier.

But to get your grotto christmas toys to you ready to pull from Santa's sack is quite a process and there's only two of Santa's little helpers to complete this mammoth task!

First of all we start with Your Order...

Your order comes into us on our automated website system or we take your order over the phone and input it into our system.

From there, your order is made up and stored in a box. This box is marked with your name and the date of your Santa's Grotto.

Your grotto toy order is completed in Grotto date order - eg the earliest Santa Grotto dates are completed first to ensure they reach you in plenty of time for their grotto.

Getting the Paper Just Right...

Next your order is gift wrapped by us, Santa's 2 little helpers, Julie and Margaret. And to make it easier on us Santa's little helper number 3, Ian, cuts all the Christmas paper we need to wrap all the kids toys earmarked for all your grottos.

It is so much easier when the paper is cut to the exact size needed for each toy. Ian has a fabulous work station with bits of christmas gift wrap flying all over the place! Each toy has it's own gift wrap template. Ian has worked out the exact measurements required for every toy and has cut a template for them.

On his work station there are pieces of gift wrap with words like 'clackers' written across the middle - those are his templates and we touch them at our peril!

So, once Ian has cut our paper to size Margaret and I spend our days and nights in the months of October and November gift wrapping children's toys.

After five years experience of gift wrapping we can actually turn around an order of 500 pretty quickly. In fact we've been known to wrap more than 300 toys in under an hour, although that depends on what the toy is and how easy it is wrap. To be honest, dominoes and pick up stix are the easiest to wrap.

Once the toys have been gift wrapped and colour coded with little shiny different coloured stars they are packed into their boxes (recycled boxes no less) by Ian and sent off to be delivered to you by our courier.

It might sound quite a simple process. And it is I guess, but it's time consuming as we're giftwrapping all these christmas toys while also doing our normal every day Toys to You work!
Some days we can't find the time to wrap any toys what with processing normal toy orders and answering the phone.

But we wouldn't have it any other way. We love what we do and we love working hard to make your Christmas grotto's the best they've ever been.

Ethical Toy Shop |  Santa Grotto Toys & Gifts |  The Toy Process

Childrens toys, kids toys, baby toys that are all ethical toys, Fairtrade toys, green toys, eco-friendly toys, organic toys and fair trade toys for toddlers, preschoolers and babies. All Toys to You toys are ethical, age appropriate and safe. Also fundraising & bulk Santa Grotto toys and Childrens Party Toys at Toys to You.

© 2007 Toys to You Ltd. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Toys to You Ltd registered in England & Wales 4862369