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Ecotronic Toys

Ethical Toy Shop |  Ecotronic Toys

Ecotronic Toys
Ecotronic toys - electronic toys without batteries.

And we are now pleased to bring you the world's first range of Ecotronic toys that are eco-friendly battery free toys.

Ecotronic toys are "u-powered" electronic toys.

In other words they're 'charged up' by you either shaking them or winding them up. They have flashing lights, sounds and do everything that a preschool electronic toy should do but without causing harm to our environment.

Ecotronic toys are just as good if not better than the usual battery operated products, but part of the fun of playing with them is making them work, and they help to save the planet too.

How Do Ecotronic Toys Work?
Ecotronic toys are based upon the dynamo science of the wind-up radio and will appeal to a wide range of ages. We believe that their ground-breaking, ecologically sound design will permanently change the way people think about electronic toys, waving goodbye to the wastefulness of battery consumption

Eco-Friendly Packaging
Eco-friendly packaging is included with the Gekopak system. Made from pulp packaging, each box is mouled to the toy and then given the trade mark Ecotronic paper sleeve, making an attractive finish that will good on your shelves. No plastic and no wire ties.

Eco Mic (rus 50-024)

see larger image
Price: £7.99 (€9.59)

Eco Duck (rus 50-022)
see larger image
Price: £6.97 (€8.36)

Eco Rocket (rus 50-020)
see larger image
Price: £9.99 (€11.99)

Childrens toys, kids toys, baby toys that are all ethical toys, Fairtrade toys, green toys, eco-friendly toys, organic toys and fair trade toys for toddlers, preschoolers and babies. All Toys to You toys are ethical, age appropriate and safe. Also fundraising & bulk Santa Grotto toys and Childrens Party Toys at Toys to You.

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